Women Who Rock – Jacquie Linder

Antigone writer Nicole Perry recently interviewed Jacqui Linder, the Founder and Executive Director of The Chrysalis Anti-Human Trafficking Network. The Chrysalis Anti-Human Trafficking Network offers a national 24-7 trauma counselling line for survivors of human trafficking and exploitation. She is an Associate Professor and senior administrator at City University in Edmonton. Jacqui consults for Alberta’s Action Coalition on Human Trafficking as well as other agencies supporting trafficked and exploited victims. Jacqui is also the former Chair of the Community Voices Against Sexual Violence coalition.

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Women’s Worlds 2011


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Women’s Worlds 2011 has blasted through barriers and has broken new ground over the last four days that it has taken place in Ottawa. I have had the privilege to be a part of it as a participant, a presenter and as the BC Network Leader for the non-profit participation part of the conference. It has been an incredible journey that has brought me to Montreal (for Women’s World Network Leaders Training) to Whitehorse (for the BC/Yukon Regional meeting) and finally to Ottawa for the conference.

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Sticking Points: On Being Political

So what’s it like to be an activist from afar? In short, it’s not easy. It does, however, bring into relief some of the reasons why I helped to create Antigone Magazine. Expressing oneself politically is a right and a privilege AND a responsibility. I remain convinced now more than ever as Canada enters what is sure to be a trying five years under a conservative government that we are responsible for expressing ourselves, and expressing ourselves truthfully. Thus, the need for community-building exercises to leverage the voices that are underrepresented, unspoken for, and silent is even more pressing. I helped start Antigone to teach young women to express themselves politically and to act on their beliefs, and to help other women doing so. It’s often said that the only way the house of commons will become something more than the cockfights it currently hosts is if women start running the show: I agree.

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Your Hockey is my Birthing Story

I happen to be one of 2 female trustees on a school board of 7. This translates into 28% female elected representation on our board which is significantly higher than the national rate of female representation in municipal, provincial, territorial and federally elected seats which sits at about 21%**… though maybe the participation rate will be higher after this most recent election.

At any rate, even though there’s 28% female representation in that room, sometimes being 2 out of 7 feels a bit outnumbered. Especially given that a lot of the Administrators that are in these meetings are also men.

Now I know that some women watch hockey. I definitely KNOW in my heart that when everyone in the room starts talking about hockey except for the only women present, that they aren’t purposefully trying to exclude us. People talk about things they know, things they have in common, they use these topics to build relationships. I do it too, if I know someone has a boat, I talk to them about it because thats what we have in common.  BUT….

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“…There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.”


What are your dreams for yourself, your friends, your sisters, your daughters? Paint, draw, write, sketch, or decoupage your dreams on a postcard and send it to us.

Help support Antigone Magazine and the Dreams for Women project by purchasing our 2011 Calendar in collaboration with Women’s Worlds.

Attention Celebrities: We Want To Steal Your Purses!

Okay, maybe we don’t want to ‘steal’ your purses per se. Technically, we want you to donate them to our Purse Auction Fundraiser It’s in the Bag (www.itsinthebag.ca).  So, if you are a celebrity, or someone who rubs shoulders with celebrities (whether in the media, blogging, movies, music, writing, or the circus), please consider giving us your purse or using your influence with your celebrity friends to get them to give us theirs.  In the following post, I plan to tell you precisely why you should give us your purses.

CAUTION: After you read this you will want to immediately send us your purses, so I would suggest removing your valuables from your bag before continuing to read this post.

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“Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”



These postcards were sent by the Young Women Leaders Program, a mentoring program sponsored by the UCF Women’s Studies Program. YWLP originated at the University of Virginia, and UCF launched the program in the Orlando community. YWLP promotes middle school girls’ leadership abilities, pairing collegiate women with middle school girls.

What are your dreams for yourself, your friends, your sisters, your daughters? Paint, draw, write, sketch, or decoupage your dreams on a postcard and send it to us.

“Dreams are extremely important. You can’t do it unless you can imagine it.”



These postcards were sent by the Young Women Leaders Program, a mentoring program sponsored by the UCF Women’s Studies Program. YWLP originated at the University of Virginia, and UCF launched the program in the Orlando community. YWLP promotes middle school girls’ leadership abilities, pairing collegiate women with middle school girls.

What are your dreams for yourself, your friends, your sisters, your daughters? Paint, draw, write, sketch, or decoupage your dreams on a postcard and send it to us.